The answer is, with no doubts, a big YESS! In fact, when applied as they should be, sunscreens save lives and prevent an extensive range of skin problems.
To give you a background, since the earliest civilisations the skin has been protected from the sun and heat, either due to aesthetics or to health, as they recognised the harmful effects of prolonged and unprotected exposure. From the use of clothing and accessories, followed by dark pigments applied to the skin, and only later with the use of the first sunscreens.
The science and technology allowed huge innovation regarding sunscreen formulation and, nowadays, the use of sunscreen is recommended every day of the year! Let’s dive in a little bit more.

Why do I need to use sunscreen in winter?
While the sun may not feel as warm or strong on your skin during the winter, its UV rays continue to break down your skin cells at a faster rate regardless of the season.
If this is not enough, there is even a bigger issue than photoaging – skin cancer. There are several types of skin cancer, and according to WHO, melanoma is one of the most diagnosed cancers worldwide. Currently, there are about 2 to 3 million non-melanoma skin cancers per year, and about 132,000 cases of melanoma. Each year, the risk of developing skin cancer increases and that’s why wearing sunscreen is crucial for its prevention.
How to apply a sunscreen?
The question may sound silly as “everyone” should know how to use it, right? But, it is not that simple!
The quantity to apply should take into account the extent of skin to be protected, therefore, it will always be variable. However, according to the safety tests conducted in sunscreens, the application of 2 mg of product per each cm2 of skin is considered correct. Translating to a practical way: this is equivalent to 3 finger-lengths for most of the sunscreens.
The recommended application frequency is every 2 hours, or whenever necessary: sweaty or wet skin, frequent bathing and time spent in the sun. physical filters may need to be shaken before use.
In mist or mousse sunscreens like EVY Technology, it is important to respect the amount to be applied to ensure maximum safety.

Our products
If you already have a skincare routine, what is the bother to add this extra step? Or even, replace your moisturiser for a moisturising sunscreen? At Disruptif Beauty, we bring all the best and ultimate innovations that help you to find the best match for you!
Hello Sunday The One for Your Eyes SPF 50 – We love the fact that our eye contour area is also protected. This eye cream is brimming with skin-loving ingredients to deeply hydrate this thin and delicate area while shielding it from the sun.
Hello Sunday The Everyday One SPF50 – There’s nothing like a white cast to put you off your SPF – Hello Sunday believes in year-round sun protection that will feel like second nature in your skin care routine.
Evy Technology Sunscreen Mousse Kids SPF50 – Did you know kids should use sunscreens from 6 months old? Fragrances should be avoided, in this case. This is a great option, since their skin is immature and very thin, and is exceptionally water-resistant! You know how they love water!
Evy Technology Daily Defence Mousse SPF50 (Cancer Awareness Edition) – A facial SPF50 sunscreen for every skin type, with not only protection against UV rays but also blue light, preventing premature ageing, dark spots and dehydration. With no sticky or greasy residue, it is perfect to use under makeup.
Do you still have questions about a product, or would you like to go further in your beauty routine? Feel free to contact us at You can also book an appointment via this link for an online consultation to carry out a skin diagnosis.